If you sleep predominantly on your side consider the technique of sleeping with a pillow between your legs. A pillow placed between your knees will align your pelvis and spine so there is no point of pressure. If you are waking up with a sore back or...

We have all seen sports men and women with taping to shoulders or parts of their body usually during a game like AFL football or other sport. Did you know that Postural Taping can be used for both the treatment and prevention of upper back and...

The ankle joint is made up of four bones which are shaped and supported by the ligaments around the bones. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments are over stretched causing ligament fibres and small blood vessels to tear. Pain, bleeding in the tissues and swelling are...

One way to check your posture is to use a mirror to see how you are sitting or ask someone to hold it up for you. Look for signs of a poor posture-: sore neck or back trouble concentrating headaches It is very important to have an...

There are a number of indicators that you suffer from Joint hyperflexibility or hypermobility including -: the ability to touch the thumb to the forearm (just pull your thumb toward the forearm) the ability to place the palms of the hands on the floor with...

PhysioFusion classes utilise a variety of equipment as opposed to classes mainly based on mats. The individual attention and variety of exercises allows you to achieve results quicker. Many of the injuries and disabilities today are in fact caused by our very modern machine-oriented society. Hence using machines...

Patients often used to say "Am I straight?" and often Sally will say "Yes, but you're rigid". If you can learn to use your core more effectively, you won't need to use so many muscles to hold your spine together each and every day as your...

Breathing is one of the most important things we do every day. It's the first thing that we do when we're born and the last thing we do before we die. Those of you who do yoga or meditation, or Tai Chi, regularly, are probably familiar...

Exercise balls can be an excellent peice of equipment for Pilates style excercises. Recently I asked Sally what type of ball is best and was surprised at the answer. I thought this would make an excellent article because it is from the perspective of a Physiotherapist. Sally...

A physiotherapist will enable you to recover from a sports injury sooner - especially when compared to a wait and see what happens philosophy. Common Sports Injuries Bruises Ligament sprains Joint injuries Over-use injuries What to do in the event of an injury The RICE method Rest allow yourself...