Learning to Breathe

Breathing is one of the most important things we do every day. It’s the first thing that we do when we’re born and the last thing we do before we die.

Those of you who do yoga or meditation, or Tai Chi, regularly, are probably familiar with yogic or belly breathing.

While this type of breathing helps to relax and balance the automic nervous system which supplies our tissues and organs, it does not support our skeletal or muscular system during stretching or strengthening types of activity when the spine requires support and stability.

Sally teaches how you can use your breathing to help to activate your core and support your spine during normal day to day activity.

Your core muscles are like the cement or foundation that holds your spine together.

Core Muscles Turn Off

Unfortunately, when we injure ourselves, our core muscles are the first muscles that turn off right when we need them the most so that our body becomes like a building with no foundations.

We then end up feeling like our head is too heavy for our shoulders or our back is weak and vulnerable and so we tense up all of our muscles on the outside to compensate.

Our bodies become like buildings with extra cement on the outside but nothing holding us together on the inside.
So we go to the physiotherapist or massage therapist and get them to release all of the muscles on the outside but as soon as we get off the bed, we tense them up again because
now we have nothing on the inside or the outside holding us together.

Sally specialises in both Physiotherapy and Pilates. Gold Coast clients get the benefit of ongoing training in the breathing techniques that help activate the core. Soon Sally will release a training DVD of her techniques so you do not have to travel to the Gold Coast to get this specialised treatment.

They do take some getting used to and fortunately the pricing structure at Gold Coast Physiotherapy & Pilates Exercise Centre allows clients to come regularly – in fact many people attend 3-4 times per week and enjoy Pilates sessions and the unique PhysioFusion program.

“At first I thought these techniques were quite strange – surely I knew how to breathe … after a few months I had learnt how to prevent many of my chronic neck and back issues. In fact I started running again after a 10 year absence. My body had actually been consistently in the wrong posture – I now know how to correct that myself but still enjoy going to classes every week.”
Phil Main Beach