Joint hyperflexibility or hypermobility

There are a number of indicators that you suffer from Joint hyperflexibility or hypermobility including -:

  • the ability to touch the thumb to the forearm (just pull your thumb toward the forearm)
  • the ability to place the palms of the hands on the floor with the knees fully extended
  • hyperextension of the knee or elbow beyond 10 degrees

To some of us – we may say – great I wish I was that flexible, however there can be considerable issues for people with this condition.
Sally recommends pilates to strengthen and hold yourself in the correct position.
Pilates directed by a physio (e.g. Sally or Alison) is a great advantage because their knowledge extends to a more holistic view.

The types of injuries or conditions suffered by those with hyperflexibility can be exacerbated by posture and day to day activities including sport.

You may only need one or two visits to learn which techniques work best for your body.

All the physios at Physio and Pilates Excercise Centre work on teaching you to hold your posture, breathe properly and strengthen your inner core muscles.
After using these techniques clients often find they move easier reduce the incidence of neck pain and feel more energetic.