Something to Think About- January 2016

“A new year, a new you!” Sounds all to familiar doesn’t it?  We’ve checked off the first few days of 2016 and we are motivated and ready for a fitter and stronger body and healthier mindset for the New Year.

The problem for the majority of us is that we always set out with the best intentions but once we come back to work, school and busy lifestyles, with the over-zealous effort you made in the first few weeks at bootcamp, things have finally caught up with you and your knees will barely cooperate with the rest of your body when you get out of bed in the mornings!

What if there was a way to help keep this momentum going but would also keep you pain and injury free?  No more creaking knees and lower back aches before you’ve even lifted you head off the pillow in the mornings.   We may have found the answer.

Sally Buratowski, a well-respected physiotherapist on the Gold Coast for over 20 years has put her years of experience and skill for physiotherapy, rehabilitation and clinical pilates into a new program Physiofusion. The program can be accessed by us mere mortals through an online subscription, DVDs and USBs to use at our own leisure in the privacy of our homes, offices or anywhere you can really.

Physiofusion is a unique new program which can be used to prevent and rehabilitate injuries, improve sports performance, rebalance and strengthen and tone the body in the comfort of your own home.

More often than not, we find it difficult to maintain a rigorous new exercise plan due to underlying or existing injuries or weakness in common areas such as the lower back, shoulder, neck, knees and ankles.  Physiofusion focuses on exercises to help you improve your posture, mobility, flexibility, stability, strength and endurance.  The program covers each region of the body and each are divided into chapters so that you can do the whole program or just one section a day of you are pushed for time.  There is also one complete program focused on improving posture and core stability as your core muscles are the muscles that keep you sitting, standing and moving correctly and efficiently.

Physiofusion allows you to maintain and keep your body strong and healthy while being able to reach your New Year goals pain and injury free.  This will save you money long term, which means you, can afford that new wardrobe you going to need!

Published in Get It Magazine January issue 2016