Pilates for Whiplash

The reason that most people continue to get persistent pain following a motor vehicle accident or whiplash-type injury is that their core muscles turn off which results in the outer, more superficial muscles being used in functions for which they have not been designed.  This is turn creates abnormal movement patterns which persist long after any original soft tissue injuries have healed.

Massage and traditional physiotherapy my give some pain relief, but if the core muscles are not reactivated correctly, and if these abnormal movement patterns are not removed, the pain and dysfunction will continue and may actually get progressively worse over time.

Merely going to the gym is not the solution as this can be a bit like adding an extra floor to the Leaning Tower of Pisa – if the foundations of a building (on your body) are not straight and stable, there is no point adding an extra floor to the top or extra support to the outside, as it will just make the building more likely to fall over.  By the same token, if no exercise is done, the foundations and the rest of the building will continue to get progressively weaker and the building will fall down as well.

What is the solution?

Our pilates programme has been developed to specifically address the needs of people who are suffering from whiplash-type problems.  It addresses all aspects of posture, joint mobility, core stability, muscle stretching and overall strengthening.

The difference between this programme and a gym programme is that it strengthens you from the inside out and teaches you to use the correct muscles in the correct order.  It also helps to improve your posture, joint mobility and flexibility.

Pilates is a mind/body technique which creates efficient functional movement and enhances body awareness.  You might like to think of it as a form of “moving meditation” which helps to release stress and tension, enhance the immune system and improve strength, posture, core stability and joint mobility.

It creates stronger, more flexible spine and helps to improve your posture by focussing on your inner or core muscles.  A regular Pilates/Physiofusion programme once or preferably twice a week will do wonders for your body.  In addition to relieving any aches or pains, a regular programme will result in a flatter stomach, thinner waist and increased joint mobility.

Most importantly, Pilates improves the look and feel of your body.  So call us today for your FREE* trial session.   (* Subject to private health fund physiotherapy extras rebate otherwise a fee of $30 is payable.)